Saturday, July 28, 2007

TV series Review: House MD

House MD is my current craze. The character of Gregory House is one of the best characters on television, and Hugh Lauries seems tailormade for the role. Dr House is a vicodin addicted diagnostician, who solves medical diagnosis mysteries just as Sherlock Holmes used to solve mysteries. House's character has all the elements - eccentricity, genius, sarcasm, pain, conflict combined with the flaws and contradictions that make him human. He gets away with the most atrocious acts (including finding every possible excuse not to see regular outpatients). His camaraderie with the boss, Cuddy, who tolerates and defends him from others while constantly trying to make him more human, his friend Dr Wilson, a counterpart of Sherlock Holmes' Dr Watson, plays a more balanced and credible role. His team of doctors, Cameron, Foreman and Chase, provide a unique combination of cynicism, indignance, indifference and sensitivity to provide the most interesting dramatic situations. The genius of the show's creators is proven by the fact that every episode in the three seasons so far has held the interests of the largely medically ignorant audiences in spite of being centered deeply in the technicalities of medical diagnostics (hey, for all I know, there may be severe flaws in the technical details as some reports claim, but I guess it doesnt matter, as the humor, the plot, the character building and the human drama in each episode more than makes up).

As an aside, I gave up watching cable tv a long time ago. I wish to have control over what information I watch, and I find most cable programming to be boring, or artificially sensationalized. The cool thing about the last few years is the availability of most interesting tv shows online. House is available from iTunes (all three seasons), so you can download it to your computer and watch it on your computer or tv or projector. The season's pass for such programs is way less expensive than paying for cable every month just to watch the handful of shows that interest me.
My current interests in tv series are just House and 24, both available from iTunes.

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